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It's All For The Kids

About: About

March 5th, 2022

The Main Event

Lakerthon night is one of the highlights of the year at WPS, but because of COVID, things will be a bit different this year. To read our full COVID guideline, click here. Our event will be a hybrid dance marathon with students and family participating both in-person and online. The night will be full of dancing, eating delicious food, playing video and carnival games, taking pictures, doing activities, and most importantly, fundraising as much money as we can for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Think of a homecoming dance but better! There will be a DJ, food trucks, a gaming trailer, and more! For our online participants, we will post a virtual agenda, so students and families can follow along with the fun at home. Bring your family and WPS friends, and come see how we make a difference here at WPS. Purchase your tickets today by clicking here.

About: Video Player
Over the past 3 years, Lakerthon
has raised more than


And we could not have done it without YOU! But we need your help again this year! To learn more about donating and to support our cause, click here!



Libby Allen

I dance for other pre-mature kids like me. No one should be alone in this fight, and I am honored to have the oppertunity to stand by these kids.


Natalie Work

I dance so that no parent has to go through the loss of a child, and so that no kid ever has to fight alone.


Grace Anderson

I dance to be apart of something bigger than myself, and give back to those who can’t

What's your why?

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